Home Sellers: what to expect + where to start

Welcome and thank you for stopping by!!! Whether you're considering selling your property or already deep into the process, I'm here to address your queries and offer seasoned advice at every stage. I assist sellers in understanding the intricacies of the market, empowering you to make informed decisions that MAXIMIZE your returns. My objective is to streamline the selling process, making it more lucrative and manageable for all. Through tailored support and incentives, I aim to ensure a seamless experience for every seller.

  • 1. Initial Contact:

    Contact me to arrange a meeting where we can discuss listing your home. I can list your home as soon as one week, or we can collaborate on a timeline that aligns best with your needs. Flexibility is key, and we can tailor the schedule to suit your preferences. Contact form here.

  • 1. Preparation (~1-4 weeks) :

    -I will conduct a comprehensive market analysis to determine the optimal listing price.

    -We will gather a list to address any necessary repairs or improvements to enhance the appeal of your property. I will offer guidance on which updates yield the highest return on investment.

    -Declutter and stage your home to showcase its full potential. Infographic provided here for quick tips on maximizing visual appeal.

    2. Listing Process (~1-3 weeks):

    -We will collaborate to create compelling listing materials, including professional photography, videography, area reports and detailed home info sheets highlighting your home's key features.

    -Determine the most effective marketing strategy to attract potential buyers, utilizing a combination of online platforms, social media, and other marketing toolkit methods listed here. Visit my listings page to see an example.

    -Host open houses and private showings to showcase your property to prospective buyers.

    -Review and evaluate offers received, considering factors such as price, contingencies, and timelines. I will negotiate to secure the best possible terms and highest price!

    3. Contract to Closing (~ 4 weeks):

    -Once an offer is accepted, cooperate with the buyer's inspection and appraisal processes.

    -Address any issues that arise during inspections, either by making necessary repairs or negotiating credits with the buyer. There are scenarios where repairs/credits are NOT required by sellers.

    -We will work closely to navigate the contract-to-close process, ensuring all paperwork is completed accurately and on time.

    -Prepare for the closing day by coordinating a date and time with the title company. They will come to you or you can go to them!

    -Attend the closing to sign the final paperwork and transfer ownership of the property to the buyer and receive your proceeds!! Congratulations, your home sale is complete!

  • Handling multiple offers on your home is an exciting yet delicate process that requires careful consideration and strategic decision-making. When faced with multiple offers, each with its own terms and conditions, it's essential to evaluate them thoroughly to determine the best course of action. As your real estate agent, I will provide a detailed spreadsheet comparing each offer, highlighting key factors such as offer price, contingencies, financing terms, and proposed closing dates. This comprehensive analysis will give you a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each offer, allowing you to make an informed decision. Additionally, I will offer guidance and expertise to help you navigate negotiations with potential buyers, ensuring that you secure the most favorable terms possible.

  • Negotiating the sale of your home involves addressing various points of contention that may arise between you and potential buyers. Common negotiation points include the sale price, closing date, possession date, earnest money amount, appraisal gap coverage, and inspection contingencies. Again, I will offer guidance and expertise to help you navigate negotiations with potential buyers, ensuring that you secure the most favorable terms possible!


Investors: what to expect + where to start


Home Buyers: what to expect + where to start